Help me decide where to go!

These cities are implementing forward thinking initiatives to tackle our great urban challenges. But there are so many more to see!

Have a place to recommend?  Let me know, including details on what I should see and who to catch up with! Click here to drop a pin. 

Katrie's Urban CurioCity Travel Plans

  • Mid-Jun 2017 – Luxembourg
  • Jul-Aug 2017 – London
  • Sep 2017-Nov 2017 – US / Canada
  • Sep 2017 – The Nantucket Project (13-17 Sep)
  • Dec 2017-Mar 2018 – South America
  • Apr 2018-Aug 2018 – Western Europe, Germany, Scandinavia
  • Jun/Jul 2018? – Monocle Quality of Life Conference
  • Sep 2018-Dec 2018 – Central and Eastern Europe
  • Jan 2018-Feb 2019 – Middle East, Africa
  • Mar 2019-Apr 2019 – China
  • May 2019 – India
  • Jun 2019-Aug 2019 – South East Asia, Pacific Islands
  • Sep-Nov 2019 – Australia / New Zealand (Consolidate research findings)

Last updated May 2017; #urbancuriocity #katriegoestravelling somewhere near you!